Saturday, March 3, 2018

Bedchamber - Geography

A new discovery from the Sorting Hat, Geography is a real find. If you like 80s guitar-based post-punk this will be right up your alley. Clocks in at just 29 minutes so your appetite will be whetted for more. Unfortunately there are only a couple of singles and an EP in their catalog, besides Geography. And good luck finding out much about this lot from Jakarta Indonesia. I almost gave up but eventually found a very short bio on and then of course their Facebook page (which I immediately "liked"). Though it is brief for an album, that has nothing to do with why I listened to it two times in a row last night and it's all I've played so far today. If you like the more upbeat tracks from The Cure (Geography's opener, "Falter", resembles nothing less than a dyslexic version of "Just Like Heaven"), the Stone Roses, Joy Division/New Order's bassist Peter Hook, the earlier guitar sounds of The Edge (U2), The Ocean Blue as well as the more recent guitar sounds found on Radiohead's The Bends and even OK will love Bedchamber. In fact, the only thing I don't like about them is their name. But hey, maybe there's some alternate meaning for the word used in Indonesia? What I'm saying is that this doesn't sound like an album by a band with a name like that. Truly Geography is one of the best albums I've heard in years and as for their style, I don't know of anyone else who is doing it as well if at all. I'd like to find out, maybe a trip to Jakarta is in order?


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